Beech Tree Game Farm - Testimonials

Here is a selection of testimonials given by customers when placing orders for birds in 2011. If you would like to speak to any of them in person please call us and we will arrange it.

  • "I first tried Kansas pheasants from Beech Tree Game Farm in 2008. I was so impressed with them I went over to them completely in 2009 and have used them ever since. The quality of the birds and their flying ability has totally transformed the shoot, however what has surprised me most is that the percentage return is higher than with any other strain I have tried, and I have tried them all." Mr. J. Cooper Woodham Ferrers, Essex.

  • "This season will be the fourth that I have had Kansas birds from Beech Tree Game Farm. They are fantastic! Quite simply in all the years I've been 'keepering they are the best birds I've ever had. The guns love them and they give me a great return." Mr. K. Timms, Newton Valence, Hampshire

  • "I started purchasing my pheasants from Beech Tree Game Farm in 2007 after my previous supplier closed. I wish I had used them earlier! They are by far the best birds I have ever had. Healthwise they are excellent, I have never had a problem. They are delivered when I want them and they hold and fly extremely well. I have and will continue to recommend Beech Tree Game Farm to anyone. "Mr J. Brewer, Woodadvent, Somerset.

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